The Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI) is the French special intelligence service under the authority of the Ministry of Interior.
Established at the national level and on all of French territory, it is in charge of researching, centralizing and exploiting intelligence relevant to national security or the fundamental interests of the Nation.
Director Céline Berthon
Céline Berthon was appointed Director General of Internal Security on December 20th, 2023

Our missions
The Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI) is the French special intelligence service under the authority of the Ministry of Interior. The Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI) is the French special intelligence service under the authority of the Ministry of Interior.

Our values
Every day, the men and women of DGSI stand guard. Their work, conversely to their mission, is not meant to be known: they protect France and its institutions against those who would seek to harm them.

Recognizing the signs of violent radicalization
Jihadist radicalization is not expressed in the same way from one individual to another. It is therefore essential to determine objective signs that should alert.

DGSI’s history
Created on 30 April 2014, DGSI walks in the footsteps of two preceding Services: DST (Direction de la surveillance du territoire or Directorate of Territorial Security), founded in 1944, and RG (Renseignements généraux or General Intelligence), created in 1907.

DGSI within international intelligence
In a world characterized by a globalizing threat with multiple evolutions, international cooperation is not an option, but a duty.

Fight against transnational repression
The concept of “transnational repression” refers to all the repressive actions taken by some governments to identify, locate, monitor, intimidate, censor, repatriate or take the life of their political rivals and opponents abroad.